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This function allows to calculate the standardized cohen's d, the critical standardized cohen's d, cohen's d and critical cohen's d given for a paired t test, given the t-value, the sample size, the standard error and the correlation between the two variables, specifying the confidence level of the interval and the direction of the hypothesis.


crit_from_t_t2sp(t = NULL, n, se = NULL, r12 = NULL, hypothesis, conf.level)



the t value.


a number corresponding to the sample size.


a number corresponding to the standard error.


a number corresponding to the correlation between variable 1 and variable 2.


a character string indicating the alternative hypothesis ("less", "greater" or "two.tailed").


confidence level of the interval.


the output returns a dz which is the critical Cohen's d standartized on the standard deviation of the differences, the dzc is the critical standardized d using the pooled standard deviation, the d is the Cohen's d (pooled standard deviation), the bc is the numerator of the formula from which the d is calculated, df are the degrees of freedom, and se is the standard error.