In this section, we will first present the instructions for installing R and RStudio. Then, we will perform the first operations in R and familiarize ourselves with basic programming concepts such as objects and functions. Finally, we will introduce other concepts related to working sessions in R and describe some best practices for using R.
The chapters are organized as follows:
- Chapter 1 - Installing R and RStudio. Step-by-step instructions for installing R and RStudio.
- Chapter 2 - RStudio Interface. Introduction to the RStudio user interface.
- Chapter 3 - First Steps in R. Mathematical operators, relational operators, logical operators.
- Chapter 4 - Two Inseparable Companions. Introduction to the concepts of objects and functions in R.
- Chapter 5 - Working Environment. Introduction to the concepts of Environment, working directory, and R packages.
- Chapter 6 - Working Session. Description of best practices in working sessions and error handling.