Chapter14 Iterative Programming
The essence of most operations in various programming languages is the concept of iteration. Iteration means repeating a portion of code a certain number of times or until a condition is met.
Many of the functions we’ve used so far, such as the sum()
or mean()
functions, rely on iterative operations. In R, for better or worse, you will rarely use iterations via loops directly, even though they are present in most functions. In fact, many of the functions implemented in R are only available through external packages or must be manually written by implementing iterative structures.
14.1 Loops
14.1.1 For
The first type of iterative structure is called a for
loop. The idea is to repeat a series of instructions a predetermined number of times. Figure 14.1 represents the concept of a for loop. Similar to the conditional structures discussed in the previous chapter, when we write a loop, we temporarily enter a part of the code, execute the required operations, and then continue with the rest of the code. What is referred to as i
in the image is a conventional way of indicating the counting of operations. If we want to repeat an operation 1000 times, i
starts at 1 and goes up to 1000.

Figure 14.1: Representation of ‘for’ loop
‘For’ Loop Structure
In R, the syntax for writing a for
loop is as follows:
is a generic name for the counter variable we introduced earlier. It can be any character, but usually, for a generic loop, single letters likei
are used, probably due to a similarity with mathematical notation, where these letters are often used to indicate a series of elements.in
is the operator that indicates thati
varies according to the values specified after it.c(...)
is the range of values thati
will take for each iteration.
We can rephrase the code as:
Repeat the operations enclosed in
{ }
a number of times equal to the length ofc(...)
, and in this loop,i
will take, one by one, the values contained inc(...)
Informally, there are two types of loops: one that uses a generic counter assigned to i
and another that directly uses values of interest.
- Loop with directly the values of interest:
# numeric
# characters
for (name in c("Alessio", "Beatrice", "Carlo")){
print(paste0("Hello ", name))
## [1] "Hello Alessio"
## [1] "Hello Beatrice"
## [1] "Hello Carlo"
Loop that uses a generic counter to index the elements:
my_vector = c(93, 27, 46, 99)
# i in 1:length(my_vector)
for (i in seq_along(my_vector)){
## [1] 93
## [1] 27
## [1] 46
## [1] 99
This distinction is very useful and often a source of errors. If you use the vector directly and your counter takes the values of the vector, you “lose” a position index. In the example of the loop with names, if we wanted to know and print the position that Alessio occupies, we would need to modify the approach by using a generic counter as well. We can create it outside the loop and update it manually:
i = 1
for (name in c("Alessio", "Beatrice", "Carlo")){
print(paste0(name, " is number ", i))
i = i + 1
## [1] "Alessio is number 1"
## [1] "Beatrice is number 2"
## [1] "Carlo is number 3"
In general, the best approach is always to use a loop with indices and not the actual values, so you can access both pieces of information.
Example: The Sum Function
As introduced at the beginning of this chapter, many of the available functions in R are derived from iterative structures. If we think about the sum()
function, we know that we can calculate the sum of a vector simply with sum(x)
. To fully understand loops, it’s interesting to think about and implement common functions.
If we had to sum n
numbers manually, the structure would be as follows:
- Take the first number \(x_1\) and add it to the second \(x_2\)
- You get a new number
- Take the third number \(x_3\) and add it to
- You get \(x_{1+2+3}\)
- Repeat this operation until the last element of \(x_n\)
As you can see, this is an iterative structure, counting from 1 to the length of \(x\), and in each iteration, adding the next number to the sum of the previous ones. In R:
my_values = c(2,4,6,8)
# Calculate sum of values
my_sum = 0 # initialize value
for (i in seq_along(my_values)){
my_sum = my_sum + my_values[i]
## [1] 20
The structure is the same as our reasoning above. I create a “starting” variable that holds the value 0, and in each iteration, I add the respective indexed element.
Example: Creating a Vector
Since we use an index that takes a range of values, we can not only access a vector using our index but also progressively create or replace a vector.
# Calculate column sum
my_matrix = matrix(1:24, nrow = 4, ncol = 6)
# Inefficient method (appending values)
sum_cols = c()
for( i in seq_len(ncol(my_matrix))){
sum_col = sum(my_matrix[, i]) # calculate i-th column
sum_cols = c(sum_cols, sum_col) # append the result
## [1] 10 26 42 58 74 90
# Efficient method (updating values)
sum_cols = vector(mode = "double", length = ncol(my_matrix))
for( i in seq_along(sum_cols)){
sum_col = sum(my_matrix[, i]) # calculate i-th column
sum_cols[i] = sum_col # update the result
## [1] 10 26 42 58 74 90
14.1.2 While
The while
loop can be considered a generalization of the for
loop. In other words, the for
loop is a particular type of while

Figure 14.2: Representation of ‘while’ loop
While Loop Structure
The syntax is more concise than the for
loop because we don’t define any counter, placeholder, or a vector of values. The only thing driving a while
loop is a logical condition (therefore with TRUE
values). Again, paraphrasing:
Repeat the operations enclosed in
{ }
as long as the<test>
condition isTRUE
In other words, at each iteration, the <test>
condition is evaluated. If it is true, the operation is executed; otherwise, the loop stops.
If we want to perform a countdown:
count = 5
while(count >= 0){
count = count - 1 # update variable
Sys.sleep(0.5) # wait half a second before proceeding, just for the suspense :-)
## [1] 5
## [1] 4
## [1] 3
## [1] 2
## [1] 1
## [1] 0
When writing a while
loop, it’s important to ensure two things:
- That the condition is
initially; otherwise, the loop won’t even start. - That at some point the condition becomes
(because we have achieved the result or too much time or too many iterations have passed).
If the second condition is not met, we end up with what is called an endless loop
, like this: While and For
We previously introduced that for
is a particular type of while
. Conceptually, we can think of a for
loop as a while
loop where our counter i
increments until it reaches the length of the vector we are iterating over. In other words, we can write a for
loop in the following way:
14.1.3 Next and Break
Within an iterative structure, we can execute any type of operation, including conditional structures. Sometimes, it may be useful to skip a particular iteration or stop the iterative loop entirely. In R, such operations can be performed with the next
and break
commands, respectively.
- skips to the next iteration.break
- stops the execution of the loop.
14.2 Nested Loops
Once you understand the iterative structure, it’s easy to expand its potential by nesting one loop inside another. You can have as many nested loops as necessary, but this increases not only the complexity but also the execution time. To better understand what happens inside a nested loop, it’s helpful to visualize the indices:
for(i in 1:3){ # level 1
for(j in 1:3){ # level 2
for(l in 1:3){ # level 3
print(paste(i, j, l))
## [1] "1 1 1"
## [1] "1 1 2"
## [1] "1 1 3"
## [1] "1 2 1"
## [1] "1 2 2"
## [1] "1 2 3"
## [1] "1 3 1"
## [1] "1 3 2"
## [1] "1 3 3"
## [1] "2 1 1"
## [1] "2 1 2"
## [1] "2 1 3"
## [1] "2 2 1"
## [1] "2 2 2"
## [1] "2 2 3"
## [1] "2 3 1"
## [1] "2 3 2"
## [1] "2 3 3"
## [1] "3 1 1"
## [1] "3 1 2"
## [1] "3 1 3"
## [1] "3 2 1"
## [1] "3 2 2"
## [1] "3 2 3"
## [1] "3 3 1"
## [1] "3 3 2"
## [1] "3 3 3"
Looking at the indices, it’s clear that the innermost loop completes first before moving outward. The logic is as follows:
- In the first iteration, we enter the outermost loop
i = 1
, then into the inner loopj = 1
, and into the innermost loopl = 1
. - In the second iteration, we are locked in the inner loop, so both
remain 1, whilel
becomes 2. - When the innermost loop
will still be 1, butj
will move to 2, and so on.
An important aspect is the use of different indices; indeed, i
, j
, and l
take different values at each iteration, and if we used the same index, we wouldn’t get the desired result.
- Write a function that calculates the average of a numeric vector using a
loop. - Write a function that, given a numeric vector, returns the maximum and minimum values using a
loop (pay attention to the initialization value). - Write a function that, for each iteration, generates \(n\) observations from a normal distribution (
function) with mean \(mu\) and standard deviation \(sigma\), and saves the mean of each sample. The function parameters will be \(n\), \(mu\), \(sigma\), and \(iter\) (number of iterations).
14.3 Apply Family
There is a family of extremely powerful and versatile functions in R called *apply
. The asterisk suggests a range of variants available in R that, despite their common structure and function, have different objectives:
: given a dataframe (or matrix), applies the same function to each row or column.tapply
: given a vector of values, applies the same function to each group that has been defined.lapply
: applies the same function to each element of a list. Returns a list.sapply
: applies the same function to each element of a list. If possible, it returns a simplified object (a vector, matrix, or array).vapply
: similar tosapply
, but requires you to define the type of data to be returned.mapply
: the multivariate version. Allows you to apply a function to multiple lists of elements.
Before illustrating the various functions, it’s helpful to understand the general structure. Generally, these functions accept a list object (a collection of elements) and a function. The idea is to have a function that takes other functions as arguments and applies the argument-function to each input element. These functions, especially in R, are often preferred over using for
loops due to their speed, compactness, and versatility.
Hadley Wickam[^talk-map] provides a great example to understand the difference between loop
and *apply
. Imagine you have a series of vectors and want to apply some functions to each vector; we could set up a simple loop in this way:
list_vect = list(
vect1 = rnorm(100),
vect2 = rnorm(100),
vect3 = rnorm(100),
vect4 = rnorm(100),
vect5 = rnorm(100)
means = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(list_vect))
medians = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(list_vect))
st_devs = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(list_vect))
for(i in seq_along(list_vect)){
means[i] = mean(list_vect[[i]])
medians[i] = median(list_vect[[i]])
st_devs[i] = sd(list_vect[[i]])
Although it is perfectly correct, this writing has several problems:
- It is very redundant. Between calculating the mean, median, and standard deviation, the only thing that changes is the function being applied, while for each, we must pre-allocate a variable, set up indexing based on the iteration to select the list element, and store the result. To improve this, we can wrap the entire structure (pre-allocation, indexing, and storing) into a function and use this function with the list as input and the function to apply. Using the
means = lapply(list_vect, mean)
## $vect1
## [1] -0.1744844
## $vect2
## [1] -0.001581971
## $vect3
## [1] 0.003746107
## $vect4
## [1] -0.1040844
## $vect5
## [1] 0.2978849
medians = lapply(list_vect, median)
## $vect1
## [1] -0.1336871
## $vect2
## [1] 0.08244486
## $vect3
## [1] 0.002455108
## $vect4
## [1] -0.00886783
## $vect5
## [1] 0.2095848
st_devs = lapply(list_vect, sd)
## $vect1
## [1] 1.028626
## $vect2
## [1] 1.056527
## $vect3
## [1] 1.027976
## $vect4
## [1] 0.9351077
## $vect5
## [1] 1.04055
As you can see, the code becomes extremely compact, clean, and easy to read.
14.3.1 Which Functions to Apply?
Before detailing each *apply
function, it’s important to understand what types of functions can be used within this family. In general, any function can be applied, but for convenience, we can distinguish them into:
- Functions already available in R.
- Custom functions (created and saved in the main environment).
- Anonymous functions.
In the previous example, we used the mean
function simply by writing lapply(list_vec, mean)
. This is possible because mean
requires only one argument. However, if we wanted to apply more complex functions or add arguments, we could use the more general syntax:
means = lapply(list_vect, function(x) mean(x))
## $vect1
## [1] -0.1744844
## $vect2
## [1] -0.001581971
## $vect3
## [1] 0.003746107
## $vect4
## [1] -0.1040844
## $vect5
## [1] 0.2978849
The only difference here is that we defined an anonymous function with the syntax function(x) ...
. This is interpreted as “for each element of list_vect
, treat it as x
and apply the mean()
function to each element of list_vect
.” Anonymous functions allow us to write functions that aren’t saved or available in R and apply them directly to a series of elements. We can also use more complex functions, such as centering each element of list_vect
centered_list = lapply(list_vect, function(x) x - mean(x))
## $vect1
## [1] 0.052024420 0.726941033 0.523133907 0.534116649 1.072538094
## [6] -1.748085116 0.436228769 1.090050776 0.188256343 1.904447568
## [11] -0.907720449 -0.098340775 0.356479804 1.683026192 1.778954510
## [16] -1.666991209 1.797794611 0.305873422 1.655606875 1.687802692
## [21] -0.767958869 -0.011200606 -0.926640234 1.382599658 -1.450454139
## [26] 0.279862739 -1.280958942 -0.179531732 0.080784364 1.275153032
## [31] -1.789340704 -1.273459981 1.193927825 -1.246932674 -0.430047712
## [36] -1.408989494 -1.111447945 -1.280200478 0.087413286 0.679220848
## [41] 0.290873113 1.934698137 -0.170632058 2.294484562 0.140106914
## [46] -0.617669647 1.649999618 -0.551072804 0.486863447 0.866448514
## [51] -0.325806393 -2.081384947 0.218225732 -0.194333682 -0.785738000
## [56] 0.278250713 0.601773540 0.004002865 -1.374655893 -1.331115539
## [61] 0.190527940 -0.010879909 0.566417661 -0.582226517 0.405902013
## [66] -0.809129005 0.739565224 1.791236297 -0.077479735 -0.881394205
## [71] -0.173747353 0.131494431 -1.223069551 1.664700735 -0.864902716
## [76] -0.062460642 -0.824657046 -1.218058185 1.156489655 0.535425340
## [81] -0.163024811 -0.468903190 -1.992400872 0.807773400 0.029570256
## [86] -1.065542698 0.708443728 -1.413780392 -0.816480128 0.657745237
## [91] 0.985102777 -0.119180161 0.121026086 0.909668900 0.189469398
## [96] 0.052482555 -0.472289289 -0.693373923 -0.334215899 -1.903099951
## $vect2
## [1] -0.25875450 0.45192195 -0.14129965 -0.48513950 -1.19419119 0.04852296
## [7] -0.12494971 -2.69913307 -0.56923136 0.59317969 0.48855867 -0.12521792
## [13] -1.25761789 0.20287395 -1.91532248 1.67432109 0.47237159 1.41569682
## [19] 0.08588055 -1.80072157 0.75532561 -0.31036112 -1.73097833 -2.13698056
## [25] 2.36738038 0.48633857 1.09481961 0.30449038 1.01688141 2.45517490
## [31] -0.24403885 0.54310131 0.19845858 -2.06958035 0.51416551 -0.40417991
## [37] 0.35777998 -0.32998890 0.08217311 -0.25995052 -0.87586827 0.74289078
## [43] -2.68138122 -0.94789651 0.44784397 -1.28724749 -0.15622349 0.34939757
## [49] -0.05804050 1.47831075 -0.65258270 -0.25523286 -1.25245596 0.77262514
## [55] -0.90976997 -0.69172340 -0.61608640 0.76370516 -1.08557639 -0.39821755
## [61] 0.82937843 0.35700165 0.16072076 0.95697716 -0.33806032 -0.72579950
## [67] -1.69622426 1.95572036 2.66831987 2.06496139 0.82036535 -0.07806814
## [73] -0.48786746 0.84930072 -0.95746280 0.93026931 0.38254698 1.49618576
## [79] -0.46612240 0.26273926 -0.99102667 -1.06179903 0.27586663 0.94692452
## [85] 0.72777105 -0.25293070 1.48676214 0.23186813 0.27958462 0.14862272
## [91] -1.19470741 0.09171824 1.22085175 -0.55991059 0.33846373 -1.53521819
## [97] -0.23854774 0.51644745 -0.23727325 0.58340054
## $vect3
## [1] 0.2664491638 -1.3469963272 -0.8526350420 -0.4113540385 -0.6698965617
## [6] -0.1069834877 -0.9277972315 0.4348533514 -0.0158461161 -0.6496568470
## [11] 1.3404006827 0.3308553677 -0.0008524137 1.0932070221 1.1595245506
## [16] 0.0970402348 -0.3954985959 -0.4148154462 -0.9173273893 -0.5441391984
## [21] 0.1176161927 1.7239915983 -0.0479376631 0.5410962859 1.9136056395
## [26] -0.2403162233 1.5678772409 0.4771039676 0.0388510442 0.4360775197
## [31] -1.8843109374 -1.7278160519 1.8794222142 -0.0350334621 0.9952978517
## [36] 0.2965731726 -0.0089397169 -0.2440504016 -1.7747293817 -0.1599453739
## [41] 1.9116204426 1.1063735070 -1.9894549474 0.8106197600 1.0945052782
## [46] -1.4444401450 1.2114915468 -0.7866311249 -2.0708321586 0.3306083127
## [51] 0.2571921978 -0.4380882424 -1.8767536475 -0.8067906332 0.3285759849
## [56] 0.0083665339 0.8463602573 -1.5346139219 -0.0353043768 1.4238938000
## [61] -0.9307764997 1.0018625824 -0.0897035610 0.9342787542 -0.5220418242
## [66] -0.9382625616 1.2278393538 -0.2433379966 0.2694431409 1.4270790033
## [71] -1.1447635626 0.8922605510 0.0790918016 0.3463267640 -1.2620371186
## [76] 0.8359400483 -1.2621666167 0.1493675938 -0.4874471285 2.2071080499
## [81] 0.0770783378 0.7123603570 1.0507096270 0.2724235769 -0.4240092719
## [86] 2.5187562528 -0.0017295860 -1.5659889251 -1.9915300574 -1.4957999457
## [91] 0.2514953082 -0.8182432673 0.8301238234 -1.1562445178 -0.1441958015
## [96] 1.1723315781 0.1831991812 -0.6985203200 -0.4631891217 -0.4787516183
## $vect4
## [1] 1.31014158 1.09819466 1.64324210 0.39593137 0.61463274 -0.43683054
## [7] -0.56982943 0.78423560 0.29079922 -1.28144712 -0.95320981 0.47832305
## [13] -0.89843251 0.06142016 0.09834140 -0.93750994 -0.22114701 -0.50447853
## [19] 1.62135004 0.40054994 0.50377989 0.85258426 0.01601205 -0.98150469
## [25] 0.01879710 0.56958632 0.10405552 0.72039850 -0.54796577 0.55132606
## [31] -0.07849753 -0.70235630 -1.70546632 -0.67537030 -1.88424294 1.10131999
## [37] -0.93803709 0.30884776 0.38639004 0.26406936 -1.48220109 0.64941069
## [43] -1.26245228 -1.01196361 0.26655677 1.61573387 -0.24499703 -1.86615753
## [49] -0.74331502 -1.66625739 1.19375590 -1.29834857 1.03931548 0.09209179
## [55] 0.36417167 1.25497932 1.27163836 -1.08423536 0.32463046 1.23838613
## [61] 0.61505477 -1.39306979 -1.01347083 -0.65377057 -0.67234873 -0.15951329
## [67] -1.09475421 -1.24828431 0.44936851 -0.81031734 0.48577901 -0.44783374
## [73] 0.13878656 -0.42861642 1.05753379 0.80005894 -0.56816795 1.42707901
## [79] -0.24334500 -0.42674961 0.83810754 0.25860309 0.76271285 -0.83189895
## [85] -1.83769866 0.13777046 -0.34121388 1.28152635 0.02692627 0.65523055
## [91] -0.34789338 -1.27102060 0.10899483 1.00604579 -0.82845156 0.66493483
## [97] 0.41550756 1.49611518 2.54392757 -0.08039012
## $vect5
## [1] -0.97244116 -0.05975831 0.24720098 -0.74673643 0.67336181 -1.84504878
## [7] -0.10088763 0.54085362 0.19802171 -0.21846188 -1.35504038 -1.00568442
## [13] -1.66143029 0.32770743 -0.87494585 1.42240563 1.33871389 -0.49724504
## [19] 0.23183020 -1.28236562 0.94682403 0.15097940 -0.08996773 -1.87922549
## [25] 0.56434072 1.01141751 0.59054641 0.90708246 1.81054234 1.52125463
## [31] 1.59879629 0.65703478 -1.36100263 1.52636999 -0.67568978 1.18846185
## [37] -0.71371197 -0.62705645 -0.34696123 1.81946720 -0.14410534 0.77391802
## [43] -1.40734286 -0.22652747 -0.08663243 0.24917797 0.10482833 0.40064474
## [49] -0.11465530 1.67669566 0.89489601 -1.18726409 -0.69802085 -0.34089280
## [55] -0.31607492 -1.19132141 -1.34752712 0.06417591 0.57868314 1.93393514
## [61] 1.29099212 0.28454888 -1.05159708 -0.12011029 -1.39846790 -0.34956404
## [67] 1.15216589 0.47442520 0.42866114 1.24934339 -0.17264100 -0.18756486
## [73] 1.52868692 -0.50630793 -0.52108509 -2.27123722 0.10655986 -1.07339635
## [79] -0.53370249 1.60949570 -0.08346146 -1.11549234 -1.60046934 -0.70496768
## [85] 2.72371679 -0.15590380 -1.05128938 0.86727635 0.28486870 -1.34945579
## [91] -0.81570377 -1.37540652 0.69447464 -0.31187353 -2.04954616 0.56538309
## [97] 0.55236386 1.42950364 1.15527183 -0.17463612
In this case, it’s clear that x
is a placeholder for each element of the list_vect
The use of anonymous functions is extremely useful and clear once you understand the notation. However, for more complex functions, it’s often more convenient to save the function in an object and then apply it, as with mean
. Using the example of centering a variable:
We can also apply complex functions as anonymous by using curly braces, just as if we were declaring a function:
center_vect = function(x){
return(x - mean(x))
centered_list = lapply(list_vect, function(x){
res = x - mean(x)
One last point concerns the parallelism between x
in our examples and i
in the for
loops we discussed earlier. Just like i
, x
is a simple convention, and you can use any name to define the generic argument. Moreover, it’s useful to think of x
in the same role as i
: in the previous function, x
took on the value of each element in list_vect
just as the for
loop uses the values of the vector we are iterating over. Sometimes, it can be useful to apply an indexing principle with the *apply
family as well:
means = lapply(seq_along(list_vect), function(i) mean(list_vect[[i]]))
## [[1]]
## [1] -0.1744844
## [[2]]
## [1] -0.001581971
## [[3]]
## [1] 0.003746107
## [[4]]
## [1] -0.1040844
## [[5]]
## [1] 0.2978849
In this case, the argument is no longer the list but a vector of numbers from 1 to the length of the list (just like in a for
loop). The anonymous function then takes i
as its argument (which, as we know, can be any name) and uses i
to index and apply the function. This may not be extremely useful here, but with this syntax, we have reproduced the exact logic of the for
loop in a very compact way.
14.3.2 apply
The apply
function is used on matrices and dataframes to apply a function to each dimension (row or column). The structure of the function is as follows:
is the dataframe or matrix.MARGIN
is the dimension on which to apply the function:1
= row,2
= column.FUN
is the function to apply.
14.3.3 tapply
is useful when you want to apply a function to an element that is grouped by another variable. The syntax is as follows:
is the primary variable.INDEX
is the variable by whichX
is divided.FUN
is the function to apply.
my_data = data.frame(
y = sample(c(2,4,6,8,10), size = 32, replace = TRUE),
gender = factor(rep(c("F", "M"), each = 16)),
class = factor(rep(c("3", "5"), times = 16))
head(my_data, n = 4)
## y gender class
## 1 8 F 3
## 2 10 F 5
## 3 2 F 3
## 4 4 F 5
# Mean y by class
tapply(my_data$y, INDEX = my_data$class, FUN = mean)
## 3 5
## 5.875 6.625
# Mean y by class and gender
tapply(my_data$y, INDEX = list(my_data$class, my_data$gender), FUN = mean)
## F M
## 3 6.50 5.25
## 5 5.75 7.50
14.3.4 lapply
This is perhaps the most commonly used and general function. It can be applied to any type of data, whether a list of elements or a vector. The key characteristic is that it always returns a list as the result, regardless of the input type. The syntax is as follows:
is the vector or list.FUN
is the function to apply.
my_list = list(
sample_norm = rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 1),
sample_unif = runif(15, min = 0, max = 1),
sample_pois = rpois(20, lambda = 5)
## List of 3
## $ sample_norm: num [1:10] 0.343 1.371 0.26 0.482 0.309 ...
## $ sample_unif: num [1:15] 0.031 0.011 0.882 0.113 0.323 ...
## $ sample_pois: int [1:20] 2 3 7 9 5 3 3 5 2 4 ...
# Mean
lapply(my_list, FUN = mean)
## $sample_norm
## [1] 0.5029392
## $sample_unif
## [1] 0.3935366
## $sample_pois
## [1] 4.25
14.3.5 sapply
has the same functionality as lapply
but also has the ability to return a simplified version (if possible) of the output.
# Mean
sapply(my_list, FUN = mean)
## sample_norm sample_unif sample_pois
## 0.5029392 0.3935366 4.2500000
To understand the difference, let’s apply both lapply
and sapply
with the previous examples:
sapply(list_vect, mean)
## vect1 vect2 vect3 vect4 vect5
## -0.174484405 -0.001581971 0.003746107 -0.104084425 0.297884925
lapply(list_vect, mean)
## $vect1
## [1] -0.1744844
## $vect2
## [1] -0.001581971
## $vect3
## [1] 0.003746107
## $vect4
## [1] -0.1040844
## $vect5
## [1] 0.2978849
sapply(list_vect, mean, simplify = FALSE)
## $vect1
## [1] -0.1744844
## $vect2
## [1] -0.001581971
## $vect3
## [1] 0.003746107
## $vect4
## [1] -0.1040844
## $vect5
## [1] 0.2978849
As you can see, the result of these operations corresponds to one value per element of list_vect
. lapply
returns a list with the results, while sapply
returns a vector. In cases like this, where there are single results for each element, sapply
is convenient, while keeping the list structure with lapply
might be better in other cases. We can also prevent sapply
from simplifying the output by using the argument simplify = FALSE
14.3.6 vapply
is similar to both lapply
and sapply
. However, it requires the type of output to be specified in advance. For this reason, it’s considered a more robust version of the previous functions because it provides more control over what happens.
# Mean
vapply(my_list, FUN = mean, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1L))
## sample_norm sample_unif sample_pois
## 0.5029392 0.3935366 4.2500000
In this case, as before, we define the list on which to apply the function. However, the argument FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1L)
specifies that each result must be a numeric
value of length 1. Since we are applying the mean, we obtain a single value for each iteration, and that value must be numeric.
does not always return the same type of object, while vapply()
requires you to specify the output type for each iteration.
x1 = list(
sample_unif = c(-1, runif(15, min = 0, max = 1)),
sample_norm = rnorm(5, mean = 0, sd = 1),
sample_pois = rpois(20, lambda = 5)
x2 = list(
sample_gamma = c(-1, rgamma(10, shape = 1)),
sample_unif = c(-2, runif(15, min = 0, max = 1)),
sample_pois = c(-3, rpois(20, lambda = 5))
negative_values = function(x) x[x < 0]
sapply(x1, negative_values)
## $sample_unif
## [1] -1
## $sample_norm
## [1] -0.95907200 -0.08395547
## $sample_pois
## integer(0)
sapply(x2, negative_values)
## sample_gamma sample_unif sample_pois
## -1 -2 -3
vapply(x1, negative_values, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
## Error in vapply(x1, negative_values, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)): values must be length 1,
## but FUN(X[[2]]) result is length 2
vapply(x2, negative_values, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
## sample_gamma sample_unif sample_pois
## -1 -2 -3
14.3.7 List of Functions Applied to a List of Objects
Advanced users may employ the *apply
family to extend the “apply a function to a list of objects” formula by applying different functions in a highly compact way. Functions in R are objects like any others and can be stored in lists:
list_funs = list(
"mean" = mean,
"median" = median,
"sd" = sd
lapply(list_funs, FUN = function(f){
sapply(list_vect, FUN = function(x){ f(x) })
## $mean
## vect1 vect2 vect3 vect4 vect5
## -0.174484405 -0.001581971 0.003746107 -0.104084425 0.297884925
## $median
## vect1 vect2 vect3 vect4 vect5
## -0.133687067 0.082444857 0.002455108 -0.008867830 0.209584846
## $sd
## vect1 vect2 vect3 vect4 vect5
## 1.0286259 1.0565268 1.0279756 0.9351077 1.0405497
What we did here is create a list of functions and then write two lapply
and sapply
calls in a nested way. Just like when writing two nested loops, the same function is applied to all elements, and then the next function is applied. The result is a list where each element contains the results of applying each function. While this kind of writing is less common, it is useful to understand the logic and power of this approach.
14.3.8 mapply
is the most complex version of the apply functions because it extends the number of lists we want to use to n. The syntax is as follows:
is the function to apply....
are the lists of elements to which the function is applied. It’s important that all elements have the same length.
Let’s try generating some vectors from a normal distribution using the rnorm()
function with different values of sample size, mean, and standard deviation:
ns = c(10, 3, 5)
means = c(10, 20, 30)
sds = c(2, 5, 7)
mapply(function(x, y, z) rnorm(x, y, z), # function
ns, means, sds) # arguments
## [[1]]
## [1] 6.953099 6.854824 9.080728 11.687548 7.215676 7.706871 11.480102
## [8] 7.142393 8.784290 13.292173
## [[2]]
## [1] 21.99553 14.81288 18.84860
## [[3]]
## [1] 33.26673 22.67479 26.38153 26.86117 25.80392
The syntax is certainly less clear compared to the previous examples, but the idea is as follows:
- The anonymous function has not just one argument but n arguments.
- The arguments are specified in order, so in our example
x = ns, y = means, and z = sds
. - At each iteration, the
function gets different sample sizes, means, and standard deviations as arguments.
14.4 Replicate
is a slightly different but extremely useful function. It allows you to repeat a series of operations a specified number of times.
is the number of repetitions.expr
is the code to repeat.
- Simple:
sample_info = replicate(n = 1000,{
my_sample = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 0, sd = 1)
my_mean = mean(my_sample)
## num [1:1000] 0.395 -0.057 0.252 0.225 0.286 ...
- Complex:
sample_info = replicate(n = 1000, {
my_sample = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 0, sd = 1)
my_mean = mean(my_sample)
my_sd = sd(my_sample)
return(data.frame(mean = my_mean,
sd = my_sd))
}, simplify = FALSE)
sample_info = do.call("rbind", sample_info)
## 'data.frame': 1000 obs. of 2 variables:
## $ mean: num 0.0966 -0.2776 0.1665 0.166 -0.1766 ...
## $ sd : num 1.093 1.059 1.105 1.109 0.954 ...
## mean sd
## 1 0.09660155 1.0926324
## 2 -0.27757342 1.0591981
## 3 0.16649003 1.1050091
## 4 0.16595363 1.1089836
## 5 -0.17656075 0.9537385
## 6 -0.18156384 0.9634895
It’s important to emphasize that repetition is the foundation of any iterative structure we’ve seen so far. In fact, the same result (in terms of readability, speed, and versatility) can be obtained indistinguishably with a for
loop, lapply
, or replicate
. Reusing the previous example:
## replicate
set.seed(0) # set seed for reproducibility
sample_info = replicate(n = 1000, expr = {
my_sample = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 0, sd = 1)
my_mean = mean(my_sample)
} )
## num [1:1000] -0.00178 0.11165 -0.1156 -0.15386 0.27293 ...
## *apply
set.seed(0) # set seed for reproducibility
sample_info = sapply(X = 1:1000, FUN = function(x) {
my_sample = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 0, sd = 1)
my_mean = mean(my_sample)
## num [1:1000] -0.00178 0.11165 -0.1156 -0.15386 0.27293 ...
## for loop
set.seed(0) # set seed for reproducibility
sample_info = rep(NA, 1000) # initialize before 'for' loop
for(i in 1:1000) {
my_sample = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 0, sd = 1)
sample_info[i] = mean(my_sample)
## num [1:1000] -0.00178 0.11165 -0.1156 -0.15386 0.27293 ...